Saturday 30 June 2007

Family of Null

À bientôt, Martha... Tegan Jovanka you are not!

I have categorically not been sacked

Thank heavens Martha Jones is on her way back to part-time video shop assistant. Bland, bland, bland. Ok, so initially the scripts don't work for her, but very quickly it's apparent that there's no chemistry between her and the Doctor. So, happen they be apart-make it so, writers. Give her a gap year.

Then, one year and a day later, mobile phone left behind for "Doctor on demand", mother is resplendent in the joy of Martha's turning her back to the box. Yet the family of (Jones') blood are cursing *her* failure to become anything...oh the promise!

1 comment:

GB said...

Hello Molton, thanks for the comment and sorry the posting was too involved!

I see you sign off ahoj, which is unusual, although it does remind me of another blogger who used to leave comments on my blog ...

GB xxx